How to Get Rid of a Breast Reduction Scar

does a breast reduction leave a scar

A breast reduction surgery removes excess skin and glandular tissue from the breast. The surgery is considered to be one of the most popular forms of cosmetic procedures. Women who have undergone this procedure report a high level of satisfaction with the results. However, breast reduction scars are inevitable. They are not expected to disappear overnight, but there are methods of minimizing the appearance of the scars after healing has taken place.

There are a number of different techniques available for treating the scars left behind by breast reduction surgery. The surgical technique used can determine the type and size of scars that will be left behind. This is also based on the genetics of the patient. For example, dark skinned women are more prone to developing hyperpigmentation, which can make the scars more noticeable.

Some surgical techniques, like punch grafting, use plugs to fill in the scars. The scars that are left from this method are not as obvious, but they take longer to heal. This is because the skin cells of the affected area are plugged into the incision. They can take up to a week to fully heal.

Another way to lessen the look of a breast reduction scar is by using silicone sheets. This can help the scars stay hydrated, prevent bacterial infections, and keep them from itching. The silicone sheet should be worn for several months after the operation.

Lasers can also be used to minimize the appearance of scars. A series of treatments spaced out every couple of months can reduce the size and visibility of the scars. A variety of lasers are available, including the fractionated laser, which targets the top and middle layers of the skin. If you are interested in learning more about how to get rid of a breast reduction scar, you can speak with a cosmetic surgeon.

There are also scar-minimizing products you can purchase over the counter. While there is little scientific evidence to prove these methods work, they are thought to help with the healing process. For instance, Embrace dressings, which contain silicone, can be used for incisions after surgery. These can be purchased over the counter and are used for up to a year.

A gentle massage of the incision is also thought to help with the healing process. This should be performed after the surgery has been completed, and can last for up to 10 minutes. This helps keep the tissue soft and flexible, preventing the buildup of collagen.

A compression garment should be worn for about six weeks after the operation. A supportive bra is also recommended, as it will help to keep the incision in a proper position and aid in the healing process.

A dermatologist can also help to minimize the appearance of the scars. Some options include hydroquinone bleaching cream, which can be applied twice a day for four to six months. Similarly, you can also use steroid injections to help soften the scar tissue.

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